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Articles, Research, & Case Studies on Management Studies

Articles, Research, & Case Studies on Management

A Study on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) For Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises In India By Dr. Nalla Bala Kalyan 

Abstract: Intellectual property is a rising out of one's idea, thoughts and intellectual influence. Today, the government and law makers, identifying its power and wide operation, gave it legal protection in terms of patents, trademarks, copyrights, industrial designs and geographical indications. IP can assist MSMEs grow worldwide as big as their competitors in all aspects of their business. IP will assist MSMEs to develop their industry and aggressive management policy. The small scale sector has played a greater role in the socio economic development of the country during the past fifty years. The MSMEs are of immense strategic importance to the Indian Economy because of its their contribution in terms of output, export, employment, flexibility, competitiveness, innovation, offering economical solutions and promotion of sustainable development. The prime intention of this paper is study how IP helps Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. 

Impact Of Mergers And Acquisitions On The Value Of Firms: A Study Of Selected Pharmaceutical And Chemical Companies In India By CA Amit C. Shah; Dr. P K Rathod 

Abstract: This research paper focuses on examining the impact of Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) on the value of selected Pharmaceutical and Chemical companies in India. It covers the period of twelve years from 2000-01 to 2012-13 covering the pre-merger and post-merger phases. The most of the corporate advisors believed that M&A have positive impact on value of firms. However, the objective of achieving a success was subjective estimation. When the study examined each M&A against prior performance based on value of firms for the span of six years pre- and post-merger; it revealed that almost opposite results were found. It was found that among selected eleven units, majority units have not shown significant improvement in the value of firms. In other words, selected M&A were unsuccessful in majority of cases in improving the value of firms. This study supports the evidence to the previous research and also it is found that, by considering the financial and economic parameters the results obtained have shown decline in the value addition of both Pharmaceutical and Chemical companies in post-merger period as compared to the pre-merger period.

Tea Industry in India - Challenges Ahead By K.rajeswari; R.saranya; V.ambika 

Abstract: One of the India's Primary beverages is TEA, where around 85% of households in the country are consuming Tea. Out of the world's total tea production, 27% is being done by Indians. As India is one of the countries with largest consumer base for tea, about three-fourths of the country's total produce is consumed by the local people. Indian tea has its own taste and quality that makes it stand out in the market. Darjeeling, Assam Orthodox and High range Niligiri are most popular because of its unique aroma, strength, colour and flavour. Major tea growing regions in India are Assam, Darjeeling, Dooars region and Nilgiris in the southern region. Recent data on Tea Industry reveals that Export of Indian teas increased by 5.7 per cent in the first four months of 2017. Even though this looks positive this does not showed a right signal for the Planters. As Tea Industry looks lucrative when seen from outside, its real scenario is that it is trembling with lots of fear factors. This paper analyses the important factors that is currently affecting the Tea Industry in India.

Investor's Demographics and Its Influence On Investment Objectives By Shruti Maheshwari; Dr. Manish Mittal 

Abstract: Every individual save a part of their income in order to invest it in some financial product. This investment pattern is guided by the purpose for which he desires to compromise on current needs and save to fulfil some future need. Choice of investment objective is dependent on many independent variables. One of the variables that influence this decision is the demographic profile of investors. The present research aims to analyse the impact of this independent force on the investment objective preference of investors. Data from 536 investors was collected across India. The objectives were categorized as capital appreciation, regular income, future security, tax benefit and status quo. Investors were asked to rank these objectives in order of their preferences. Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney tests were used to analyze the results.

Leadership Styles And Employee Performance By  Cisma.f. 

Abstract: This study is about the effect of leadership styles on employee performance which focuses on employees. This section elaborates the background of the study (Historical, Theoretical, and Conceptual perspectives), statement of the problem, Purpose, Specific objectives, Research questions, Hypothesis, Scope of study and Significance of the study were explored.

Factors Affecting On Examination Stress among Undergraduates: An Investigation from Eastern University By   P.luckmizankari 

Abstract: The objective of this study is to discover the factors, which are creating examination stress among B.B.A undergraduates of Eastern University. This study was fully focused on Primary data, which was collected through self-designed questionnaire with five point Likert scale. The sample was comprised of 100 B.B.A Undergraduates from various Year of study spread across the Eastern University, Sri Lanka. The collected data has been examined and evaluated through Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 20.0. Through this survey, researcher concluded, ?there is a high-level examination stress exist among B.B.A students?. Female students are having high stress than male students. Among the factors, physical cognition has high contribution to examination stress, and depression is common consequence among most of the undergraduates who has examination stress than others.

Organizational Performance Of Financial Institutions In Batticaloa District By Vianny Jeniston Delima 

Abstract: Measuring the organizational performance is an important issue in researches. Organizational performance can be measured in different perspectives. Each perspective of measurement is unique. Several unique determinants can be used to measure organizational performance. Performance measurements become an important concept to pay attention in recent years due to different organizational objectives. In the beginning, performance was measured by financial measurements and also it is being measured by non-financial measurements. There is still significant knowledge gap on measurement of performance. This research paper examines the operational measurement of organizational performances. Conceptual framework is developed based on Carton (2004). Organizational performance is measured by customer satisfaction, employee commitment, and corporate reputation. Questionnaire is developed and given to customers of Financial Institutions in Batticaloa District. Findings shows that there is high level of organizational performance existed among Financial Institutions in Batticaloa District.

 A Comparative Analysis of Preference between Traditional Theatres By Aashish.C.I; Dr.yathish Chandra; Mr. Raja Ram 

Abstract: Cinema theatres are a medium of entertainment since the time that has seen its euphoria. Projection of movies some long years back used to be considered as a pass time, since the role of the family members used to be defined with a pretext of male dominated figure head. The role of the ladies is to nurture the children, look after the house, the male were supposed to take family members for the sake of entertainment. Most of the movies used to be in the form of storytelling, dance and music with little humour and climax. At the same time, there used to be very less theatres because of less population in the urban areas, since the majority of the population is densely located towards rural areas. In the rural areas, the economic growth relied mostly on agriculture and farming. The only mode of entertainment in the rural areas was stage drama in the form of role play. As and when the economic development changed its gear due to globalisation, liberalisation and privatisation, India started seeing the change in the lifestyle, likes and preferences of people in the field of entertainment and very slowly the rural population also started shifting towards urban side because of employment and high standard of living.

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